
Welcome to
Oravecz Families Web Site
Hosting: Oravecz, Oravec, Oravetz,
Oravets, Oravez, Oravis, and Orawetz
This site is dedicated to the worldwide group of families with variants of
the Oravecz family name. An expanded view of family is taken so that all relations are
included. You are a family member if you are related to anyone with a variant of the
Oravecz surname by any combination of blood, marriage, or adoption. This will provide the
widest and most complete view of the origins and impact of the Oravecz families.
Your Oravecz-related family should also be hosted on or at least linked to
this site. Interested parties should contact the Webmaster
for information. All suggestions for additional information or corrections of existing
pages are also welcome.